
A new year with new endeavors

I didn't realize that I didn't start the new year off with a new post, so for starters...

...Happy [belated] new year!

Several things are going on that should be explained. For starters, this quarter in school is one of the busiest yet! It will definitely limit my time taking pictures in and around town. However, it has not stopped me from working on a 365 project:

As cliche as such an endeavor may entail, this project originates though a personal commitment to self development and exploration. The goal with this project is to really fine tune various aspects of my photo repertoire, including lighting, subject / composition, experimenting with post-processing techniques (whether it's keeping it minimal and confined to RAW or even using comping, it'll be depended on the shot) and conceptualizing each shot in a manner that will help define my overall style. I think this will be key in finding not only my niche of what I am comfortable shooting, but I hope to also use this as an opportunity to make the most of situations and challenge myself outside of my own established norms.

In addition, I am also starting a collection entitled "The Essentials," which will be a weekly photographic image of objects, concepts or abstracts that I consider essential in my life. I hope to use this as a way to start thinking more about what I shoot as well as how I can represent things that I value through this medium. Although this project is a bit slower in the making, it will run concurrently with my 365 project.

What sort of projects are you taking on this year and what do you seek to achieve from them? Let's hope I can stick to it all!